Friday, May 7, 2021


 A bit of a mixed up day today. Mr. E did another cooking class with his students, so we flip-flopped our whole afternoon. It was kind of nice actually. 

Before lunch, my class played the adjective game. Their two things to describe were a small piece of black tissue paper and a flower bud from the remnants of my birthday bouquet. As per usual, we had some interesting adjectives. The flower was "killable". The tissue paper was "enjoyable". 

Me: "How is that enjoyable?"
Them: "You can make art projects..."
Them: "You can eat it."
Me: "..."
Them: "Well, you can!"
Me: "That's not enjoyable."

After lunch instead of recess, my class played and filmed tone chimes, then we did 20 minutes of social studies. Such a good discussion today. We were looking at more photos from the time of the civil rights movement. 

At 1:00 we went out for recess. Mr. E was still cooking, so I went out with my glove (I remembered to bring it from home!) to pitch until he arrived. Once he got to the field, he umped and I kept pitching. It was fun having both of us out there, and the kids had fun too. Today's weather is beautiful, just a little windy, but not too bad. 

Since I was out at recess, I could call them in on time, so the 7-8th graders and I had plenty of time to learn about Antarctica. They had all done their spelling tests while Mr. E got food prepped for their cooking class, so we played a Kahoot during our study hall time. "We want a fun one, Miss H." So I picked one about the top songs from 2000-2019. Since I hadn't made it, I could play too. There was a lot of guessing going on, but it was pretty fun! Now they want to do one on farming. We did a quick search and didn't find any challenging enough for our farm boys. They might need to make their own...

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