Tuesday, May 11, 2021


Balloon prize: read aloud all morning. They love that prize. We finished our read-aloud book and started another, A Long Way From Chicago by Richard Peck. I picked that one because we need a one day filler book, and this one is a bunch of short stories stuck together so we don't have to read the whole book if we don't have time. There's a book waiting at the library they want me to read before the end of the year (Millionaires for a Month, I've never read it before), and will pick it up tomorrow night when I'm running errands. 

Another fun book story from today... Social studies time found us studying the end of the Cold War, specifically the space race. I mentioned the somewhat recent movie Hidden Figures, and the 5th grade girl perked up, "Hold on Miss H! Just wait, just wait..." She dashed into the reading corner, shuffled around a bit, and about ten seconds later she waltzed right up to me and presented me with one of the picture books I have about the real-life ladies in Hidden Figures. "Miss H, isn't it great. I know your library almost better than you do!" Oh, proud teacher moment! 

My kids have really been digging into the books in the library. This is the first time I've had a class do that and it's lovely. They'll peruse the shelves and pull out books, sometimes asking me if I think they'll like it. Today one of the 6th graders found about five books he wants to read over the summer. He wrote them down on my checkout clipboard saying, "Miss H, you gotta stop having all these good books! There are too many!" My response: Not possible. 

Sigh, it's so nice to have a class that loves to read.

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