Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Slow Going

Wow, my brain is ready for a rest. It's been racing all day figuring out our regular day schedule to make room for Christmas program practice. The schedule got messed up more than usual because both bells and piano had to have practice over at church... right during math time. 

So... we had the 5th graders take math in the morning while I had study hall with the 7-8th graders. Then after lunch, we did 6th grade math and science with the 7-8th graders. It worked okay, but boy, my brain had to work hard to figure out all those moving parts. 

Practice today went all right. Even though we had a full hour, we still didn't make it all the way through the program. So tomorrow we're starting at 1pm. Wow. We've never had to start that early. I blame our snow day. And the new sound system. 

On the plus side, the stable is set up, the risers got moved, and we have just enough room for a little acting. The costume people now know their marks. Tomorrow is going to be the true test if everyone remembers their cues. Me too! 

Since we're starting so early, Mr. E and I are skipping each other's classes. The kids will be happy there's no math! I will probably do social studies in the 'spare' time since we've missed class because of practice. We've been doing parent art projects in the morning, so our reading/English time has been cut short this week too. Tis the season!

With the stress of planning the Christmas program, getting my students ready, prepping presents/cards for them to make for their parents, it's often hard to find joy in the Christmas season. Thankfully, there are Advent services. For once, I don't have to plan! I can just show up and rejoice in my Savior. Praise the Lord!

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