Monday, February 27, 2023

Trip to the Capitol

Today was a full, but awesome day. We had an interesting start to the trip when we got word that the New Ulm bus would be late because so many of their buses had gone in the ditch. Thankfully we only had one student on that bus, so two parent chaperones waited at school and drove up separate. 

We had to rush because the parent planning the trip got Mr. E the opportunity to say the prayer at the Senate opening. We made it in plenty of time and he did great. We got to sit on the opposite side of the Senate chambers than visitors usually get to sit. It's very steep there, which is why they don't allow it. 

After that we headed to a meeting with our local representatives: Jeff Brand and Paul Torkelson. We told them about our school and asked a few questions. Then the leader of the high school page program spoke to us. Then we went to the Senate building to meet Senator Nick Frentz at his office. He was fun to meet with. We got an inside look at the offices and behind the scenes of our government workers. He took us to the Energy, Utilities, Environment, and Climate Committee Meeting (he is committee chair). After that we finally had lunch (around 1pm). 

Our tour of the Capitol was delayed slightly so we could catch a glimpse of the governor and lieutenant governor. It was Muslim day at the capitol and they each gave a speech in the rotunda. 

The last thing on the agenda was to sit in on the House Session. Michele got the 8th graders and Mr. E tickets to sit on the floor (which means they got to sit where the action happens instead of the balcony, like the rest of us). 

While we waited for session to start, a state trooper asked if a few of us wanted to do a special side trip. Of course! He said he'd take one chaperone and two students. Me! And two of the 7th grade girls (we did bubble gum, bubble gum in a dish). Turns out he took us up to see the golden horses! They don't have that on the tour anymore. You have to have to ask a trouper or sheriff specially and they'll take people up, but only after April. So it was extra special to go up this time. 

We tromped over snow piles and roofs (safely of course). We came to a vertical ladder and he looked at it and said, "huh, I don't remember it being that difficult to get up there... maybe we got off too early." So we went back to the stairs and up another flight. That was much easier! 

We rejoined everyone five minutes later just in time for session's beginning. It was supposed to be a very short meeting, but that plan derailed. The republicans wanted to call into a vote (and skip the committee hearings) for cancelling social security taxes. It's been a 'oh we'll get to it later' topic for years and they wanted to make it a right now thing. It felt like a bazillion representatives stood up to talk. We had to leave before we heard the outcome, but later I asked someone in the hall I recognized had been in there and he said the motion had failed, 68 to 64. Major bummer. 

The ride home has been good. We're making good time and the kids have all had a bunch of snacks. A few have been dropped off at Nicollet and the rest will arrive at school soon! I hope everyone has a chance to rest up before class tomorrow, or we'll have some cranky kids...

Again, great trip. Michele put together an awesome schedule. She had a few people make bars and treats for the ride up and back. We had great chaperones. One was a retired lady from church who had never been to the Capitol before and decided now was the time. She was awesome with the kids and we want her to come on all field trips from now on. 😂

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