Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Two Hours Late

The roads were horrible this morning. It rained all day yesterday and the wind howled all night giving us glare ice on most of the roads leading to school. New Ulm had a two hour late start, but not Nicollet, so I had to go in at my normal time. G called me a minute after I left the house to warn me about the roads and then stayed on the phone until I made it to school, just to be safe. 

I did safely make it, but I passed one car in the ditch. Then the wind blew snow around and covered the roads some more. Both buses were late dropping kids off. We had a strange morning with just half the class at school. Some Nicollet kids got dropped off by their parents later in the morning, so I started the day with three, then bumped up to four until the other bus came. I had a big to-do list on the board for them. Most of them worked on their Invention report which was supposed to be due tomorrow. But that deadline is pushed off until next week. 

Since it's Wednesday, a chapel day, we had chapel and music practice at 10:40 after everyone arrived. This left only fifteen minutes of worktime before lunch; we had just enough time to go over spelling for next week. And our afternoon was normal. 

Tomorrow is the last day of school for the week! We have Friday and Monday off for Presidents Day. My good friend L has a birthday on Saturday, so I'll go up to visit her for a few days. G is sticking around and will hopefully get a few house projects taken care of... installing our garage door opener perhaps...

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