Thursday, March 21, 2024

Grandparents Day Take One!

It's only been a half day of school, but wow, it's been packed. I am already pooped. Thankfully all the kids are picked up and I can head home whenever I want. 

We started the day with chapel with grandparents. About half my students sat with their grandparents. It was nice to sing the liturgy again. After that, we had a normal math class. Most other classrooms just did a math themed game or something since grandparents are allowed to take their students to the book fair whenever they want. Most of my kids stayed for class (I don't think they wanted homework). 

After that we needed to do a social studies lesson to catch up to the other class (and so we can have our test before Easter break next week). I was the most nervous about that since it's on a topic I'm not super familiar with (the Russian czar Peter the Great) and I'm always worried I'll say the wrong thing and an adult who knows more will correct me. Thankfully that didn't happen. Two grandparents expressed later that they really enjoyed my class. 

At 10am, grandparents went to the sanctuary for the entertainment portion of the morning. Classes were called to perform via walkie-talkie. We made sure we were on deck with plenty of time to spare, lined up from tallest to shortest, bathroom-breaked, and pleasant expressions on faces. Mr. N led us in; I followed and grabbed the music stand while he lined them up. There wasn't a microphone to announce the class, but my voice carries in church, so I just projected. They sang well! "Reformation Song" and "May the Peace (Benediction)".

We scurried back to our classrooms where we had to kill an hour before they could leave. Someone gave an anonymous donation of $15 for the book fair for a student, so everyone put their name on a piece of paper in my winter hat and I drew one. I thought only one student hadn't put any books on his wish-list, but it turns out there were two. And the name I drew was one of them (rapper kid). Sigh. If I had known, I would've redrawn or said a different kid's name, but it was too late. I had announced it before classmates complained. He said he would use it to get a book and not just junky toys, so I let him keep it. 

After that we did silent reading until it was time to pack-up. These kids have burned through my books! We're getting to the point where they don't have anything to read anymore, and they've already read the ones they want from my stash. Only my problem for two more days... 

The classroom cleared out pretty quickly. I had a nice heart-to-heart with the last student who was waiting for her mom to finish door duty. She's the oldest and complained about her sisters. 

A different student (before she left for the day), gave me this. Yesterday as we waited for last names to be called for pickup, I noticed she sat in the desk closest to mine with her drawing notebook. The book was angled away from me and she kept looking back and forth between us. I had guessed she was drawing me. She captured me pretty well!

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