Friday, March 22, 2024

Grandparents Day Take Two!

Kids were a little crazier today, the day went a little more slowly (probably because of the craziness), but the program went a little more quickly! 

We played two different Kahoots with grandparents, both from previous units of social studies, one on the Reformation and one on the Elizabethan Era. It seemed like they had a good time. The kids sure did!

There's a lot going on in this picture below. First is a note given to me by a student (the one I had the heart to heart with yesterday). Not pictured is the cup of mint tea given in addition to the note. In the background you might notice a card signed by both 5th grade classes, a bouquet of flowers, a gift bag, and a giant box.

The gift bag has a bunch of snacks: cashews, goldfish crackers, Junior mints, and a small bag of potato chips. (A parent had asked what my top five favorite snacks are... my favorites are pretzels, pringles, cashews, goldfish, and anything mint, so they did pretty well!) All presents from the 5th grade class. The big box in the background is a gift from Mrs. M (wine, chocolate, coffee, a candle, and a gift card to The Tav, G and my favorite restaurant in town, although my guess is that's a total coincidence!).

Bad weather is in the forecast for Sunday into Monday and there are doubts about whether we'll have school Monday... so they gave me the class presents today just in case. 

Normally I'm all for a snow day, but this time it would be so sad if school is cancelled. No chance to say goodbye. Another teacher gone without a by your leave. Not to mention throwing the let's-get-everything-wrapped-up-before-Mrs. M-comes-back lesson plans into chaos. But I've dealt with that before. I'm already mentally working through things to adjust for that and I have a solid plan. 

Now we wait and see what Minnesota throws at us!

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