Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Just Kidding!

Today didn't go as expected... 

G and I had the alarm set for 6am to prep/get on the road to pick up plants in Michigan. But he woke up in the middle of the night with the same thing I had on Sunday. No fun for him for the rest of the night. He was knocked out on the couch for the whole day. That also means no Michigan for us. 

I thought about texting the powers that be at school to see if they'd want me to come in to teach today and tomorrow. However, right around that time, school was called off for the day. Mrs. L and I came up with a plan to help the kids study for their tests at home so they can successfully take their tests tomorrow and still wrap up the classroom in a nice, neat bow for Mrs. M. 

Mrs. L has a pretty tight Wednesday schedule in her normal routine. When I was planning to be gone, they were going to have the principal step in and monitor the class for the last two hours of the day. Another blessing of me being around... I will go in to teach for the half day tomorrow! It will be a huge surprise! I can't wait! 

Tomorrow is an early release day, so we'll have chapel, a math test, a social studies test, and then go home at 11:15. After school, I'll get to be a part of the meeting with Mrs. M and Mrs. L. Added bonus: Mrs. L volunteered to bring us all lunch. 

So, I'm bummed that G and I aren't road tripping this week, but I'm happy we don't have to drive on yucky roads and that I get to be at school to wrap up this quarter and my time in 5th grade.

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