Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Hospital Tag

Don't worry! None of my students went to the hospital today.  We played a game at recess by that name.  If you get tagged, you put a hand over the "injury" as a Band-Aid.  If you get tagged again, use your other hand.  And if you get tagged a third time, you lie on the ground and yell "Doctor, Doctor!" and the doctor comes and "heals" you.  The girls had a good time playing.  The boys thought it was okay. 

We got off topic a bunch today... and yet we still covered the things that needed to be covered.  The tower of Babel was our religion topic for today.  Which lead to a discussion of Pangaea and whether the continents moved during the flood or when God spread people around after Babel.  In the afternoon, we studied migration and the Native Americans in Minnesota, which somehow reminded me we never talked about why the dinosaurs died out after the flood.  So we went into science.  And somehow we got on the topic of cloning and DNA and Dolly the sheep and sheep giving spider silk proteins in their milk... good stuff. 

Once I let my students know I would be visiting the library after school today, I had a lot of requests to check for the "I Survived" books and then the "Whatever After" books.  I emailed the Bookmobile librarian to hold some for us on Thursday, but I don't think she has all that many.  Hopefully the New Ulm library has a bunch!  One of the 5th graders told me today that she likes reading way more now that she's in my class.  Woohoo! :)  And then a 5th grade mom said that her son has been reading up a storm now that he's been in my class.  She'd get him books at the beginning of summer and he wouldn't touch them; now he's read all of them and is looking for more.  Sweet!

Tomorrow is our first physics lab of the year, involving tennis balls, string, and marbles.  We'll see how it goes...  Tomorrow is also the last volleyball practice before our first game (on Thursday) and there's the church ice cream social and our first PTL meeting.  Whew!  I'm thinking I better head home early and take it easy while I still can because the rest of this week is going to fly by!

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