Tuesday, September 23, 2014

There's a storm acomin'!

That or Joe could tell our classroom was going to be overrun by girls from Janesville. 

He tucked himself away under the sand and dirt this afternoon and has only wedged himself in further.  About 3:30, a bus pulled up with all the Janesville soccer and volleyball players, boys and girls.  The girls always use my room as a locker room and this time is no different.  On their way into the classroom, they jibber-jabbered to each other, "Hey, isn't this the place that has that turtle?" "Gross!" "Oh hey, isn't there this one teacher?" "Yeah, and this is the place that has..." 

About thirty of them tromped their way in, dumped their stuff, and tromped back out.  A few of them actually remembered me from last year, or from when I student taught at their school.  Now my little third graders are grown up sixth graders!  And my classroom smells like a locker room.

In other news, the two monarch caterpillars have turned into chrysalises.  It's crazy how fast they change!!!  Before we went to lunch, he was just starting, and once we got back from being served he was finished!  I looked up what happens when a caterpillar makes a chrysalis.  It's pretty sweet.  The green outer covering is actually part of the caterpillar's body.  Inside, all its cells are turning to mush, into imaginal cells (kind of like stem cells).  The cells are reorganized into the new shape in about 10-14 days.  Cool!!! 

Slowly but surely I've been getting rid of the uncollected Silent Auction items.  I'm hoping by the end of the week they'll all be gone!

Well, the soccer game starts in ten minutes.  Hopefully I can get my TO DO list accomplished so I can go watch part of the game (and so I can leave right after volleyball).
PS- I looked up the weather... there isn't storm coming.

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