Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Raining on a Wednesday

My kids are all at PE right now... they started outside and then it began to rain, so now they're playing in the gym.  Of course this morning I cracked my car windows a bit! It's not raining that heavily, so hopefully not too much rain slips into my vehicle.

Another good writing day today.  I'm really hoping we can keep up this enthusiasm.  We seem to have fallen into a rhythm in our Daily 5 rounds... though there has still been some upheaval over me trying to change things from last year (aka- keep to the rules stricter).

Lunch was interesting today... we had freezies for dessert and by the time the boys had all been through the line (they rush to wash their hands so they're always first) the color choice was down to yellow or orange.  The cook had her 7th grade helper dig out more choices from the freezer.  Not only were these new freezies a variety of colors, they were also king-sized! Oh the girls were overjoyed!  The boys... not so much.  "It's not fair! How come they get the giant ones?! We should get to have seconds!"  My reply, "Well, you got to be first in the lunch line today.  If you'd been towards the back, you'd have gotten a bigger one."  And then they launched into a whole argument over what was fair and what wasn't, trying to pull God into it (he wants everything in life to be fair...etc.). 

Just when I seemed to get it all straightened out, one of the boys comes in with a freezie and hands it over to a classmate who'd already had one.  In our classroom, the rule is only one dessert, otherwise it gets too complicated and people complain and feel bad that they didn't get an extra one.  So.  No getting a dessert just to give it to someone else.  But now the drama switched to what should this kid do with the unwanted freezie.  His classmates clamored to be the one to eat it.  I said no.  He couldn't put it back because it was already cut open on one end.  He didn't want to throw it away... To make a long story just a little longer, he ended up trading it to a 7th grader who put his uncut freezie back and ate the cut open one.  Whew! And then Mr. E gave that same 7th grader his freezie because he didn't want to eat it.  As you might guess, my boys went ballistic.  "How come he gets two????"  It was very entertaining watching that 7th grader try to play soccer while holding a freezie in each hand.  I caught him trying to give it to one of the 5th graders.  It's nice to know my teacher look can stop a clandestine trade-off across a soccer field.

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