Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Just got done with our first PTL meeting of the year.  Before that was our first faculty meeting of the school year.  And before that I was seeing off my students... one of the 3rd graders was sneaky and told her 5th grade brother that their mom was picking them up from school today.  Nope.  She thought they were riding the bus.  When no one showed up after 20 minutes, the 5th grader finally called and surprise, surprise, the mom wasn't on her way.  Thankfully they don't live far from school, so she came shortly after, but that didn't leave me anytime between school and our faculty meeting.

The Nicollet Chamber of Commerce (I think?) always hosts a thank-you/welcome back dinner for the teachers, so there was pizza and cookies and chips waiting for me inside school.  It was nice to have something for supper!

Our school day was not one of the best we've had.  One of the 6th graders decided he just didn't want to participate in anything today.  Not even recess.  I almost had to physically pick him up and chuck him out the door for afternoon recess.  When he saw I wasn't joking around, then he finally trudged outside, but it was this close!!!  Hopefully tomorrow is better. 

Anyway, I am heading home for the night!  Tomorrow is going to be another big day... first volleyball practice and the ILC Ice Cream Social, plus normal lesson planning, etc.

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