Wednesday, May 11, 2016

8- Visit Miss H's Farm

Drippy weather all day.  About half the class brought umbrellas.  No one remembered spare clothes, although they probably would've been helpful.  Still, everyone had fun!

Highlights of the farm were the peacocks, the kittens in the haymow, swinging on the rope in the haymow (they could've done that for another hour if I'd let them), and bale tag in the rain.  Yes, they did play bale tag, and yes, they got completely soaked in the process.  I felt kind of bad we had to leave so soon after finding the bales; we had to get to End-O-Line around 11:30 to eat lunch so our 12:00 tour could start on time.  Most of their time at the bales was spent trying to get everyone on top of the bales.

Everyone made a pit stop at the basement sink to wash up before leaving.  The girls in my car said they were cold and wet and hungry and just wanted to go back to school.  But once they got to EOL, they got a little more excited.  The majority of the class thought the railroad park was neat!  We found a painted turtle and some frogs/toads and a muskrat.  Somehow after lunch they gained a TON of energy and zoomed around during the tour.  Our tour guide was more like a pilot than an information contributor; he didn't give a spiel in each building, instead let the kids look around and said they could ask him questions if they had any.  Far different tour from the ones we gave when I worked there! But it was probably better that way for my rambunctious kids.

Funniest moment of the day: while eating lunch at EOL, one of the chaperones realized that the guy leading us around the farm was my dad... she thought he was my brother!

Tomorrow's balloon activity: eat lunch outside.

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