Friday, November 3, 2017

Fall Carnival

Whoa boy, today was a doozy. Go, go, go!!! All day long.

Spelling took longer to correct this morning than I thought it would, so I didn't have time to correct their science tests (a lot of them are worried about it). Then I thought I'd work on it at school before they came... I was halfway to school when I realized I left part of my Fall Carnival costume at home. So I turned around to get it and got to school later than I wanted to. Then there were emails to deal with and students who came early and questions to answer for the 7-8th graders. I got back to my classroom five minutes after the bell rang which pushed our whole morning off schedule.

But, as I knew it would, it turned out okay. We had enough time to squeeze everything in (spelling tests, carnival setup, Reading Buddies, preschool carnival). The preschoolers had a good party. We had enough time to do a Read to Self round and time to work on NaNos, although no one was very focused. We even had time to play the spanish tap game before lunch.

The 7th and 8th graders were supposed to present their video projects today, but not all of them had finished editing the videos. One one group of three was ready, and they were the group I had been most worried about finishing! Their video was pretty good too, although it took a while to figure out how to watch it at school. He uploaded it to Facebook, except he didn't know his password to log on via my computer. Thankfully, another classmate was friends with him, so that classmate logged on and we watched it through his page. The other two groups decided they would take a test instead since they wouldn't have their videos ready. Sigh. All that work for nothing. Yet most of them said they'd do a video project again. They just didn't get their act together in time. Maybe they'll send it to me over the weekend for extra credit.

It's the end of the quarter today. No school Monday! I'm excited to have an extra day since last weekend was pretty packed. Hopefully I'll have time to de-stress and get caught up on a few things. Everything is loaded in my car so I can leave straight from school. I'm Fulda-bound, with a possible detour to Truman, and a for sure detour to the New Ulm library for their annual book sale!

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