Thursday, November 2, 2017


School pictures came today. The kids were all excited, although some were not terribly thrilled with their photos. Retake day is coming up in a few weeks; some of mine will probably get retakes.

I got school pictures too. They give each teacher complimentary pictures. I liked mine better last year... oh well.

NaNo day two was even better than day one. A bunch had written at home last night and their word counts showed it. One girl (the midnight writer) wrote on her phone as she rode the bus to school! She's up to 800 words today. Two others are close behind, both in the 700s, one 5th and one 6th grader. They're having a competition!

Our total class goal for the month (including mine) is 755,000 words! So far, we've written a collective 7292 words! Woohoo! That's a lot of words. We'll get there though! I have a feeling some will boost their word goals more as the month goes on. I did get 2000 words of my own novel written last night. Let's see how many more I get tonight...

After school the Courtland Guatemala team had an interview over at church with the Lafayette Ledger for an article about our trip. She wanted more pictures of the kids doing crafts than Vicky had, so I volunteered to send her some. While I was at it, I made a sharing folder for the pictures so everyone on the team can upload there. Another person was supposed to do it, but she's swamped with school work, so hopefully she isn't disappointed I took that job off her plate. And hopefully everyone can add pictures to it. You need a google account. We added some other interested persons to the group so they can see the pictures, but can't upload. Good way to share!

My pictures are taking forever to upload them all. For some reason, my computer is being really slow. I think I may give up for the day and go home. It's time for me to eat some supper.

Speaking of food... there have been so many birthdays this week, and therefore treats! I've had three cupcakes, plus other candy my kiddos have shared. Today's lunch menu featured dessert, but I had to pass... just too many sweets this week. I still have one cupcake sitting on my desk, waiting for me to eat it, but the thought of more sugar just isn't doing it for me right now.

Tomorrow is the Fall Carnival, hosted by the 5th and 6th grade class. It's all planned and run by the students; I just organize the times and setups. Still, I should dress up, since it's my class. I think I'll go as Abigail from National Treasure. She wears jeans, a black shirt, and a tan leather jacket. Simple, comfortable, still festive.

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