Monday, November 27, 2017


Ohhh boy, am I behind on NaNo words... 7,000 words behind. According to the NaNo website, I have to write 3,000 words per day in order to finish in time. Yikes!

I did write over Thanksgiving break, but not as much as I'd been hoping. This morning I wrote while eating breakfast in between correcting papers and refreshing my memory about the science topic of the day.

My students are satisfied with their progress. A few are finished with their stories, a few have met their word goals but aren't finished with the story (they're still writing), and a few are worried about making their goal and are begging Miss M or me to type for them. I have confidence they'll all make it. Me on the other hand... this is the first year I'm worried I won't make my goal.

When I admitted my lack of words to my students, they told me I should write right now at my computer! This was during Daily 5, so it was actually a possibility. I wrote a few hundred words and bumped my word count up to 20,000. Only 10,000 words to go until I meet my goal! Hopefully tonight will be a big word night.

My kids are all sad that this is Miss M's last week in our classroom. They wanted to do something special for her, so I asked if they'd bring in $2-3 to buy her some flowers or chocolates or a balloon for her last day. I think I'll make treats too as an end of NaNo party. One 6th grader handed me a stack of quarters he'd pilfered from his desk. "Here's my $3 Miss H!" he announced. At the end of the day I asked if they wanted me to send a Remind out to their parents so they wouldn't forget, but they didn't want me to do that. We'll see how many remember!

The 6th graders made a card in computer class today. The 5th graders will add to it tomorrow. The 6th graders got a little possessive of it and had strict requirements where the 5th graders could and could not write/decorate. I told them it's everybody's card and they weren't allowed to put so many restrictions on it. We'll see if they listen.

They want her to come back for our Christmas program and for the spring musical and for just visiting our classroom. When they found out we sometimes get a student teacher in the spring for science/social, they wanted me to email her teacher to ask that Miss M get put in our classroom again. I'm on the fence about that. It would be super fun to have Miss M back again, but it would also be fun to meet a new student teacher too... We'll see what happens I guess!

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