Friday, December 7, 2018


Holy cow I was ready to pull my hair out this morning... So many names on the board for late/missing assignments!!! They got most of them off, but there are a few kids who just can't seem to get their work done. Especially memory work. Grr...

We're making hymnal angels as parent presents this year. Today a bunch finished folding the pages and moved on to the hot gluing phase... adding a head and various frippery. They sure look cool, all of them standing on the lab table. But that hot glue gets EVERYWHERE. And so do the little schniblets they cut off the edges of the ribbons they're adding.

Some of the 7th graders decided to make one with the extra hymnals I had. They got really far today and two girls already glued the angels' heads on. I found the hymnals at the MLHS rummage sale and got more than enough for my class for about $2. The angel heads are gold Christmas bulb ornaments also from the MLHS rummage sale. Those fit in a bag full of other stuff, so the total cost of these angels for my entire class is roughly $3. Maybe $0.10 each kid? Regardless, the price is right!

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