Thursday, December 13, 2018


This morning I realized I forgot to post last night. We had bible study a half an hour earlier than usual (my church doesn't do advent services for some reason) and I had thought to write it when I got home. Yep. I forgot. 

Oh well.

The day was pretty typical. We didn't finish our read aloud book yesterday. We didn't finish it today either. We have two pages left. They were just talking too much and I had to quit reading. Sigh.

Our religion story today was Aaron and Hur holding up Moses's hands in the battle against the Amalekites (probably spelling that wrong). It always gives my kids the idea to hold their hands above their heads for as long as possible, and this year's class was no different. So they had a contest to see who could do it the longest. They lasted over an hour! I made them do it with only one hand so they could still write and do stuff with their other hand. 

Tuesday night a parent of a former student dropped off a bin of books for me/my classroom. I've been going through them the past two days. Lots of good books in there! Hopefully my kids will want to read them; there aren't any graphic novels. 

It's only one week until our Christmas party. I can't believe the year has gone this fast. To light a fire under the pokey little puppies, I told my class today that their names have to be off the board in order to open their presents next Friday (basically, get all their late work turned in). There's been a great rush to finish things up and hand them in! So far, so good. I gave the 7-8th graders the same mandate. They're a little harder to get going than the 5-6th graders...

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