Thursday, October 31, 2019

What a Day

Today was hands down the worst day of school on record for my class this year. Actually, it was just two of my 12 who were completely out of control. The rest were not that bad today.

One of the kids didn't have his medication. He was near tears and had a short fuse all day. It was hard to get him to do anything. Then, after school, I found his spelling for the week uncompleted and in the recycle bin. I thought he'd handed his in already, but it turns out he took another students' spelling out of the basket, put his name on it (she had forgotten to write her name), and handed it back in as if it were his work. Oh man. I'm thinking he may need to sit out the Fall Carnival tomorrow.

The other student never came near tears, but he threw things across the classroom, tipped chairs over, laughed constantly about nothing, got up in everyone else's business, called everything stupid, and slammed his desk around. And he couldn't find any of his papers, so I had to print new ones for him to start all over on. Sigh. His grandparents' dog had to be put down last night, so I know he was sad about that.

Deep breaths. Lots of deep breaths. We had to do a few 'heads on desks' minutes during the day to try to get everyone to calm down. During bells I had told Mr. W I wanted him to sit between those two boys during history to try to keep them on task. It helped, but not a whole lot. Afterwards, Mr. W said he had underestimated what I meant by those two being out of control today. Maybe I should've waited a bit before I told him I wanted him to teach at least one class for the 5-6th graders sometime before he's finished with this clinical!

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