Wednesday, December 18, 2019


My kiddos were better today. Still not fantastic, but much better than they have been the rest of this week.

The morning started out really cold, so we had chapel in Mr. E's room. Normally we'd have chapel in the gym, except the electronic keyboard that we bring out from my room for music is not working. Last time, we couldn't get it to turn on. I'm hoping just the cord is broken and not the internal mechanism. Until we get a new one ordered, we'll have to be in Mr. E's room where there's a piano and space for all the kids.

After school I worked with a student who owed me five pieces of memory work from the past three weeks. The rule in our class is that you have to have all your work done before you get to open your present on Friday, so that's lit a fire under a lot of my students to buckle down and turn in their late stuff. I was pleasantly surprised that this student willingly studied his memory. The girls had practice first, boys had study hall. He wanted to be in the study hall room for a bit, so I told him a time he should come down to our classroom. He showed up! It took him less than an hour to get caught up on his memory: his program part (still shaky), two verses of "Savior of the Nations Come" and the 9th and 10th commandments and their meanings. All he has to do is catch up on math!

Tonight was our sister church's Christmas program. A bunch of my students were in it. It was fun to hear their parts and see what another church does. Actually... I'm pretty sure the program they used was one I wrote with three other girls in college for a class, "The Trees of Christmas". This church has a new DCE who used to work with one of my college friends who'd written it with me. I'm guessing they used the program at that school, and now this lady thought since the Redeemer people hadn't heard it before, she'd use it again here. Fair enough.

After the service, two of my former students (now in high school) handed out the traditional treat bags to the kids as they left. One of them noticed me and said, "Oh look! It's Miss H! Let's give her a treat bag... She's a kid." So I left church with a treat bag. Oh the perks of being a teacher!

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