Thursday, December 5, 2019


We had the shortest staff meeting of the year after school today. Basketball season is in full swing so Mr. E's schedule is quite packed. There were home games starting at 4:30, so we squeezed in a meeting from 3-4pm. A parent was supposed to watch all the kids who'd stayed after school (all the basketball players) in the gym, but at the last minute we found out he wasn't coming. So all the kids who'd been playing freely in the gym (it was like Lord of the Flies in there, but before they got to the death/violent part) had to go to Mr. E's room to be watched by a bossy 8th grader. Thankfully another parent volunteered to come watch and after a half an hour of being stuck in a classroom they were able to get back to the gym.

After our meeting I met up with a college friend followed by my community ed shop class. I finished early since I was the only one in my class; my planter looks pretty good if I say so myself! My teacher and I talked about future class offerings. The next level is to make a chair. I asked if we could try making one of those chairs that can flip over into a step stool. He said if I can send him the plan to look over, he'd be willing to try something new! So, I'll add that to my to-do list. It sounds like if I have ideas of something else I'd like to make we can probably work on them together... I'll have to scrounge my Pinterest board for other ideas I want to try...

It was supposed to be Mr. W's last day today, but he missed Tuesday and his afternoon class tomorrow was cancelled, so he's coming back to give the 7-8th graders their Ancient Asia test. They had a study day today and did okay. My class did a practice US citizenship test with Mr. W. They were surprised at what types of things you need to know! I was happy to see that most of the questions are on things we're going to learn about later on this year.

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