Monday, April 26, 2021


Only 20 days of school left. Yikes.

My kids were excited to finally finish the Old Testament in religion today. Tomorrow we start the New Testament! 

We started prepping for our talent show skit during English today. I thought I had "The Amazing Caterpillar Show" saved as a file somewhere, but no matter how much I searched, I couldn't find it. So I google searched and found a version of it that my class tweaked. Tomorrow we're going to start acting it out. 

Miss K (our student teacher) taught her first lesson to the 5-6th graders today. It was on the Cold War and she did very well! I could tell she was nervous, and she wasn't hesitant about confirming that. She said she paces when she's nervous, but once she does one lesson, she's good to go. She's teaching both the 5-6th and the 7-8th graders tomorrow. The 7-8th graders are a little trickier than the 5-6th graders. They were super chatty today; hopefully they'll be better for her tomorrow. But Miss K said she wants to work on her classroom management, so either way, she'll have a good experience!

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