Wednesday, April 7, 2021


Yesterday was jam packed after school... Staff meeting, regular school to-dos, Arboretum webinar (this one was about growing fruit trees in MN... now I want even more plants...), then helping mom write her quilt pattern. In the rush to get home before the webinar started, I saved a draft of this post and promptly forgot to finish it when I got home. Oh well. So, here's what I wrote about yesterday:

Poor Joe got his face smacked... by me. He was really restless this afternoon, so we let him out to roam. My kids said I should write a note on the board so I wouldn't forget to return him to his tank after school. Good idea. 

After school, we had a staff meeting, so I opened the door to grab my teacher stuff and smacked Joe in the face. Oops. He was literally right in front of the door. I moved him over by my desk so the same thing wouldn't happen after my meeting, and when I came back an hour and a half later, he was chilling on the computer cords under my desk, aka his happy place.

...Now for today's update. Rain was in the forecast for the rest of the week, and we did get some rain both yesterday and today, however, a big chunk of the day was sunny. Of course, it was rainy when it was my class's turn to have recess, so we hung out in the gym. After school today I met my student teacher, Miss K. We went over the science/social studies topics to be covered during her two weeks at the end of April and she picked out which lessons she's going to teach. She was ready to dive right in! So she'll be teaching a lot of 5-6th grade physics, a few 5-6th MN history, and a bunch of 7-8th geography. 

It seems like she likes to challenge herself, which is good; she knows her strengths and weaknesses. This is her first official clinical at BLC. She said she did a clinical earlier (I'm guessing an observation one) where the teacher was gone and the sub didn't know the schedule, so she jumped in and taught everything. She's also the lead teacher at a daycare. So lots of good prior experience. 

I've had students in the past who've taken on a lot of lessons and have risen to the challenge, and I've had students who took on a lot but weren't able to keep up. I'm excited to see how she does! 

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