Monday, April 19, 2021


Just 25 more days of school to go this year. That means it's time to start thinking about end of the year projects... pinatas, publishing NaNos, balloon countdown. Normally I put up 20 balloons to count down, but that just seems like too many this year. So we'll go with 15. Each balloon has a special activity for the day tucked inside, some of which I can't do because of covid, so going down to 15 helps too. 

The 7-8th graders asked if I'd do balloons for them too since we missed out on that last year. Hmm... I told them if they gave me a list of things to put inside, we probably could. Maybe we'll just do five balloons for them. 

Today was the first day of me staying in my classroom all day. It was strange, but nice. I do miss seeing other parts of the school though. Still, I didn't have to lug my stuff around, the 7-8th graders were super focused, they didn't fight over who got to sit in which seat, they pretty much remembered to bring all their stuff along, and we had a really productive class period! Our lesson was my favorite science topic of all time: digestive system. After that is my second favorite body system to teach: excretory/urinary system. It's so fascinating! And it has the extreme gross-out factor that sucks the kids in. It's going to be a good week of science. 😎

Also, I have to share these pictures from one of the 7th graders' spelling workbooks last week... He is a huge John Deere lover and loves to give me a hard time about Case tractors, as you can see. 

I shared these with my dad and he said this student deserves an F for the week. Sorry Dad, grades don't work like that!

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