Friday, September 17, 2021


A church lady dropped off a leftover cake from the Ice Cream Social for the teachers. It was a whole cake, and I knew we wouldn't eat all of it, so I shared it with my class at the end of the day. Why the end of the day? Well, mostly because I kept forgetting about it earlier in the day. My class very much enjoyed it. 

I wore my Th In K tshirt (the letters are the elements from the periodic table), and as the class did their highs and lows, one 6th grader stared in my direction, concentrating very hard. I could see her doing some mental math with her finger in the air. Finally she said, "Miss H, if you add up the atomic numbers of those elements, you get... 158!" 

Today was a day of wrapping up a lot of things. Spelling tests and handwriting. The Bouncy Ball STEM lab from earlier in the week. We tidied our plant area and now there's a little space on the lab table. We cleaned the rest of the classroom too. Pastor had asked my class to put an object in a mini-suitcase for him to base chapel next week. After much voting, my class decided on a flag. We also wrote a question we were curious about: when did the Jewish people stop offering sacrifices (lambs, cows, etc)?

Now my classroom is wrapped up for another week, the first full week of school. I'm off to see the progress on my house, followed by an evening at the water circus. From what I can tell, it's a bit like cirque du soleil, but with water... lots of acrobatics and trapezes. 

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