Thursday, September 16, 2021

Doesn't Match

Today was so nice out we had extra recess at the end of the day, so we overlapped with the preschoolers a little. One little girl chatted with me for a while. She's a little hard to understand, but we talked about clothes and shoes and the colors we were wearing. After commenting on the bright colors of my shoes and shirt, she pointed to my black pants, shook her head and said, "doesn't match." 

The rest of the day was pretty normal. Forgot to finish our standardized tests we started yesterday... we'll do them tomorrow, no big deal. Had a great read-aloud session with minimal cliff-hangers. Talked about plagiarism and looked at examples. Read a TON of our read-to-self books. Checked on the plants, watered them (probably too much, man they love spraying them), let Joe walk around, set up a mini-greenhouse for more plants to go once the dirt we ordered arrives. 

We had one last bell practice at church before we play Sunday. Part of that was practicing setting up when it's our turn to play in the service. So I had them all sit out in the pews, then come up when I stood up by the music stand. They loved practicing that... they came from all over the church, stood in their spots, set up their music, put on their gloves and put their hands on their bells. But don't pick them up! They are supposed to look at me and wait for me to give the signal so we raise them all at the same time. 

That ends up taking time because just when you have alllllmost everyone, that one last person looks, but two more look away. Or the person who's been ready from the beginning zones out and forgets to raise her bells. So we put them down and try again. I mentioned smiles would be nice, so some did the cheesy grin, others were obnoxiously ridiculous, still others tried glaring (but you could see them struggling not to smile). Really, they're a good looking group when it comes down to it. Let's hope they play just as well as they look! ;)

House update: the basement is poured and some wooden studs are going up!

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