Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Second Wind

My chiropractor appointment popped me back into place, but it's taking a while for the muscles to catch up (the chiro said that would be the case). So most of the day was tough for me to get through physically. But after school I finally caved and took some pain meds and surprise, surprise, I am feeling better. Not 100%, but enough to actually accomplish the things I need to do after school. I even watched a webinar that's been on my radar since August... going gradeless in the classroom. Hmm, correct fewer papers? I'm all for that! 

One of the 8th graders thinks the alternator is going out in my car, or it just needs an oil change. Good thing I have an oil change tomorrow. He heard me drive away yesterday and said my car sounds weird. I've noticed that sound too, kind of a mild whine, but when I've asked my car fixit people about it, they didn't seem concerned. I'll mention the alternator to them tomorrow. 

One of the 5th graders is positive his plants grew while he was at school. I suggested sticking a ruler next to the plant in the dirt so he can actually tell. He is gungho about plants and started up the mini-hydroponics thing we have. He plucked a germinated pea from his garden and transplanted it to the hydroponic planter. 

Some of the other kids like to pluck their seeds out to see how big the root is. A 6th grader took one out and wrapped it in a wet paper towel, then got excited because the paper towel was sucked close to the root showing that the root was absorbing water. Nice. They're learning so much!

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