Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Science Stuff + Human Baby= Fantastic Day

All sorts of cool science stuff arrived today, stuff I requested about a month ago. The 7-8th graders helped deliver the packages to my room and their jaws hit the floor at the cool stuff they carried: legos, magnetic tiles, wooden blocks, fort building kits, science models, potting soil, grow lights, and circuit kits. I went through my original wish list and checked almost everything off! There are probably a few more things coming. Once everything has been delivered, we're going to order more stuff with leftover money (or new money from this year). The lady who placed the orders didn't order all the stuff on the list, particularly the items I marked "low priority." So I already have a list going for round two. 

The other exciting news is that my sister had her baby! She went into labor late last night and had the baby (a girl!) at about 9am this morning. I specifically wore my Auntourage shirt to school for the occasion. My class was just about as excited as I was... I left my phone unsilenced so I could listen for the official announcement. Every time it went off, my class perked up. "Are you going to check Miss H?" We had a few false alarms (my other sister), but finally what we'd all been waiting for arrived! And I screamed. And my class screamed. And they wanted to see a picture, so I showed them. At the end of the day, three kids said Baby P was their high of the day. (Actually, one misspoke and said "Little Ill" was her high... I made a joke we'll only call her that if she gets sick...). 

Great day overall. 😁

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