Wednesday, October 13, 2021


Holy buckets it was windy today! It was so windy, it knocked the little outdoor kitchen against my classroom sounding like someone was knocking until it finally tipped over. It was so windy, the wind pressed the doorbell button on the school's main door! Someone taped a cup over the button so the wind couldn't press it anymore. I really hope my plants at home survived... they are all resting in the rocks to soak up the rain, and some of them are in small pots. 

Yesterday I spent an hour after school trying to find a picture book I remembered reading about a girl who spies her teacher "loose" and tries to "rescue" her. Man, it drove me nuts! Today I called the library to see if they could look in my circulation history. Oh, they don't keep track of that in this system. Thankfully, the librarian knew which book I was talking about. Unfortunately, she couldn't remember the name of it off the top of her head. So she said she'd call back. And she did: Rescuing Mrs. Birdley by Aaron Reynolds.

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