Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Miss H's first day

Our student teacher dropped in right in the middle of things. She comes at 12:30 every day (today was the first). In past years, we started class at that time, but this year the 7-8th graders have class at 12:15. I shuffled a few things around so Miss H won't miss any instruction time, but that meant she arrived in the middle of bell practice. Always a crazy time, today made crazier because it's the first day back after a long weekend AND they just finished trying on costumes. 

Over break, I borrowed costumes from the Fulda Elementary School costume room, courtesy of the band director. Almost all my cast are costumed! My villainous side-kick has a Storm Trooper costume and cape. The main crew and villain are wearing the old black percussion band uniforms, our captain wears a red band uniform, and the earth people are wearing earthy-toned shirts/dresses. The earth people's costumes are a little lame. I need to brainstorm some more. Maybe Hawaiian shirts? I have two in my dress-up box that could work for the girls. One more needed for the earth boy... Hmm... G has one I'm sure I could borrow... 

Bell practice was crazier than normal not only because we ring on Sunday, but because one of the 8th graders can't make it, so we had to divvy up her parts. Always complicated. This time, the song is easy enough it went okay. And we have practice Thursday to work out the kinks. Whew. Only two more church performances this school year! Hard to believe.

So, Miss H's first day was pretty boisterous. She handled it well. She played catch with a 6th grader at recess. She's fairly quiet and just took everything in while she was in the classroom. No questions yet, but I'm sure she'll have some tomorrow. Her first lesson is this Friday!

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