Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday Fun Day

Yesterday we made a jello model of a plant cell.  It wasn't ready by the end of the day, so we had to wait until snack time today.  Last year, I used gummy food (gummy worms, fruit roll-up, etc.) and they turned mushy and gross.  So this year, I tried to use all fruits.  I did end up using some skittles for ribosomes, but the 5th graders said it made the jello taste like skittles.  Alls well that ends well.

At recess today, one of the 2nd graders found a toad.  He was showing it to everyone.  A frog was also found.  One of the 5th grade boys threw it at a 5th grade girl.  Well, she says he threw it, he says it jumped out of his hand...

I felt bad for the girl because only a few minutes earlier, a 2nd grade boy ran up behind her, shoved a toy ball down the back of her shirt and yelled, "SPIDER!"  She screamed at the top of her lungs, stood up, jumped and wiggled around, and then discovered it was a ball.  I thought that was that, but not even two minutes later, the same boy did the exact same thing again!  And again, she screamed and jumped and wiggled, and realized it was a ball.  I could tell she was getting annoyed now, so I told the 2nd grader to stop.  He did it a third time!  So he ended up on the time-out bench. 

It was really windy.  One of the parents told me after volleyball practice that a power line fell down in front of the Crow Bar in town.  Some sparks hit some sawdust (or mulch, or something like that) and it started smoking.  They had it under control, but practically the whole town is out of power.

The last half an hour of practice, we let the B squad go home (or sit and watch, as most of them chose to do).  Then Miss H. (the preschool teacher) and I played against the A squad team.  One of the 5th grade girls kept score.  The coaches ended up winning!  27 to 22.  I was pretty amazed.  Although the A squad wasn't playing as well as they normally do. 

Anyway, that's enough for now.  I'm heading home to watch my brother's football game! :)

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