Thursday, September 12, 2013

Highs and Lows

New this year in our class, we've been ending the day by telling classmates "highs" and "lows" of the day.  Each person gets to say the best and worst part of the day.  So here's a rundown of mine:


Last night I had a dream that one of the 8th grade girls was trying to get me fired.  She kept calling me mean names and tried to choke me.  So I had to tell the principal.  In my dream, he had a meeting with a bunch of other people, but I couldn't sit in on it, so I had no clue what was going on.  I thought I was going to lose my job.  Then some WELS/ELS seminary students serenaded me while I was waiting, and one guy professed his undying love for me (increased only more when he found out I was Missouri synod).  Talk about a weird dream!  It left me with an unsettled feeling about the whole day.

Another low: Technology was still a little funky today.  This time, my external hard drive didn't want to load on the computer.  Thankfully, this happened with the 5th graders and they could just read their textbook while I tried to get it straightened out. 

A bug flew in my ear during kickball, and I couldn't get it out.  Gross.  Then the 5th graders were extremely loud during art.


They all finished their art projects!  And we got the lab table cleaned up for our boat building lab tomorrow.

Another high: I got two cupcakes at school today.  One was from a 5th grader (her birthday was today and man, was she excited) and the other appeared on my desk.  I'm guessing it was from the 1st grader who also had a birthday today.

Our volleyball games went really well today.  We won the first two and lost the third by two points.  In the last game, the 5-7th graders played without any 8th grade help.

Final high of the day: Tomorrow is Friday!!!

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