Monday, December 9, 2013

9 school days 'til Christmas

The weekends just aren't long enough!  (for me and my students)

It was hard for them to settle in and focus on their work.  One student in particular was a roller coaster of emotion all day.  First she'd be happy, then she'd be mad saying she wasn't going to say anything else the rest of the day, then she'd ignore me, then she'd be happily chatting away (still dawdling on her work).

They had to take a test in math today, so I told them they had to finish their math test before working on their science solar system powerpoint presentation.  The same dawdling student groaned and couldn't believe I would be so cruel.  Too bad!  She ended up getting it done just in time for music practice.  The two boys got theirs done right away.  One had his story to finish (he had been on vacation when we finished them in class).  To help him go faster, I typed while he dictated his story.  Now he just has to do spell check and he'll be good to go!  Woohoo!  They're already thinking about revising them, but I told them we're waiting until January so they can look at their story with fresh eyes. 

So much to do before Christmas!  I can't believe we only have 9 days of school left.  And one of them will be our class party/program practice.  Yikes!

Speaking of a party... we always watch a movie with the 7th and 8th graders as part of our party, so we've been brainstorming good movies to watch.  In English, our lesson was on capitalizing titles of works.  One of the exercises was about The Sound of Music.  They had no clue what it was.  At all.  Nothing jogged their memories.  I was speechless for a few minutes and then I gave them a synopsis.  One girl said, "I know Miss H! We can watch that movie for our party!"  I actually wouldn't mind, but I'm thinking there's too much singing for the 7th and 8th graders.  I told her we could ask them what they thought.   

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