Thursday, November 12, 2015

Short and Sweet

The one bad thing about not feeling well and skipping out of school things early is that everyone asks how you're feeling the next day.  Well, I'm not 100%, but I'm feeling a little better.  It comes and goes.  Mrs. B brought me some tea with honey.  That was lovely.  I could sip on it all morning.  Miss H watched my class at afternoon recess so I could do some work in my classroom (or just take a few minutes to regroup).

My first conference is at 3:15 today, so I'll keep this post short and sweet.  My schedule is to go straight through with no breaks from 3:15-7:30.  And I just found out a group of 20 people is coming to tour the school, like, right now, to learn more about it.  I guess it's a group of people that go tour places to find out more about the community.  Well, why not?  But my room is clean, I'm all set up for conferences, so I should be okay for visitors.

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