Monday, November 30, 2015

Rip the Page

Last day of November... time to take off the desk calendar page!  I love having a fresh piece of paper.  No spills, no ink globs, no doodles or random scribbles in the margins.  Of course, it doesn't stay like that for long!

The morning was nice and clear, although a little dreary.  Just a little spitting precipitation, no snow yet.  The kids were all jumpy and hard to settle.  They were chatting up a storm and distracting themselves!  I actually put on classical music to get them to work quietly... it kind of worked. 

And then the computers wouldn't let them log on.  The IT guys actually answered, but they said to let it keep loading and see if it would let them on.  It didn't work.  Eventually we got it figured out and my kids could get on the computers, but it messed up our last day of NaNo time, so we'll fudge the date a bit and let them write for a morning in December. 

Since they couldn't work on the computers, they needed something to do that was writing related without technology.  Aha! Pen pal letters!  It's surprising how many of them don't remember the format for writing a letter.  Most got a pretty good start today introducing themselves and their favorite things.  Each is going to add his or her school picture to the bottom by the signature so the Romanian students can see what we look like.  I'm hoping to get those sent off by the end of the week.  Hopefully their English is good enough they can understand them! 

School got called off early today.  We found out after lunch that we'd go home at 1:40.  At the time, nothing was coming down, no clouds, completely calm.  But right at 1:30, snow started, and now it's pretty big flakes.  So I should boogie out of here pretty quick.  This is the last thing I have to do before packing up.  Maybe 2 hours late tomorrow? Who knows!

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