Tuesday, September 20, 2016


I am frustrated.  I feel like banging my head against my desk or the wall.  Volleyball is full of drama.  Drama from players, drama from parents, drama from coaches.  People keep threatening to pull their kids, or the kids don't want to play, or the coaches are saying they'll step down.  It makes me want to cancel volleyball for the rest of the season!  The older girls keep picking on the younger girls and try to be the coaches.  So the younger girls want to quit.  The parents are mad their girls are unhappy and yell at the coaches. The coaches don't want to get yelled at.  So all it is is a giant mess.  And now I want to quit too.  Grrr...

But we three coaches talked it out tonight after the game and I think we're now on the same page.  Hopefully they aren't secretly offended and quit tomorrow.  We're all good with one of the parents in question (at least I hope... we kind of had a bit of a yelling/arguing match before the game started, but I think she sees now that I'm just as upset about the situation as her and we coaches are trying our best to deal with it in a fair manner).  There's one parent who could go either way.  Still waiting to hear back from her on whether she keeps her girl in volleyball until after the tournament or not.  And we still need to talk with the older girls and tell them to quit bossing the younger girls.  Ugh. It gives me a headache.

On a happier note, we won all our games tonight! Two B games and three A games!

In other cool news, Mrs. E's class found a neat spider on the playground yesterday and captured it in a bucket.
Neither of us was sure what it was, so Mrs. E took a picture and I emailed it to my biology professor at BLC who's a bit of a spider enthusiast.  He emailed me back today and said it's a female Marbled Orbweaver (Araneus marmoreus). He also said they're a pretty common species, but this is the first record of this species in Nicollet County.  So we're making history!  Since this year's science for 7th and 8th grade is life science, and we'll learn about spiders this spring, I asked my professor if he'd be interested in talking spiders/collecting some with my class.  He said sure! And now we have another tentative guest speaker for the spring. Woohoo!

Stomach issue update: not a whole lot of improvement. I started the new meds yesterday and my stomach was iffy until about 1:30.  After that I've been fine, although we'll see what happens when I try to eat supper.  Keep the prayers coming!

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