Monday, September 26, 2016


The tournament this weekend went well overall.  The B girls got 3rd of 4 teams, A got 4th of 6 teams.  The girls got a little tired (playing back to back to back), but they powered through!  And we also gained a new player.  The 6th grader who agreed to substitute for us decided to join for the rest of the season.  She stayed for practice today and was super excited about it!

One not so good thing from the tournament... the principal from MLHS emailed Mr. E detailing negative sportsmanship from our fans. Great, just when we thought the drama was over.  Apparently (I never watched the A games) some of the ladies were yelling at the line judges and making some not-so-nice comments.  The coaches said the line judges hadn't been paying attention and made some bad calls (why the parents were yelling), but that's no excuse for poor sportsmanship.  Mr. E has taken charge of this incident, thankfully, so I don't have to do much about it.  We forwarded the email to the parents and will see if anyone comes forward.

The school day was full of squirrely children.  We had a good science session though! The 7th and 8th graders learned about organelles in cells and the 5th and 6th graders learned about molecules and covalent/ionic bonds.  Tomorrow is our first field trip.  That means I need to go grocery shopping for sack lunch supplies!

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