Friday, September 23, 2016


Our Venus fly trap finally has a name! The votes are in and Kevin won (Chompers was a close second). The 7th and 8th graders were being dumb about it. Some of them didn't want to vote, at least until they saw that "Kevin" won. Then they all wanted to vote.  Too late!

The cook caught a live fly for us under a lid.  I stuck Kevin under a big, clear plastic container so we could keep the fly close and maybe we could see him eating it.  That fly is so big! I don't know if it will fit in Kevin's tiny traps.  But we're going to try! The kiddos were super distracted, rushing over to check if the fly had been lured to its death yet.  Thankfully we were doing art, so the distractions were not super interrupting.

I had picked out an art project way ahead of time (instead of my morning-of selection I tend to do), but when I put my example on the board, they were all like, "Oh! We've done that before!"  What?! When? "Remember Miss H? You taught us art in 1st and 2nd grade."  Ohhh... right.  Shoot.  Should I pick a different project?  No, no, they all wanted to do it.

This project involved "drawing" a picture with glue and then coloring between the lines.  We drew our glue pictures this morning, but they weren't dry by art time.  So on to project #2 (I had picked it out for NEXT Friday, but I guess we're bumping the time frame up).  This one is using tissue paper to make a collage in a fall associated shape.  Most are doing pumpkins; one girl is making a leaf.  The 5th graders were surprisingly frustrated by it: their tissue paper didn't stick to the glue, the colors weren't right, it looked dumb (the papers were spread too far apart).  I kept telling them to stick with it; give it time to come together!

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