Wednesday, October 4, 2017


We're on the downhill slope of volleyball. Only two games, two tournaments, and two practices left. This is good because with volleyball stuff almost every night, I haven't had enough time to get everything done that I want to. My paper correcting has fallen behind, I have a box of books to sort through, and midterm grades to enter. And I leave for Guatemala in about two weeks. Yikes!

Yesterday we had an away game at Mt. Olive in Mankato. I was a little worried about getting there on time because our game was at 4:00 so I'd have to leave at 3:15, plus I brought some players with me, so it was even more important to leave on time. Five minutes before we were supposed to leave, the tortoise vet called me to talk about Joe. He doesn't think what Joe has is shell rot; he thinks it's because Joe needs more variety of nutrients in his food. So even though Joe doesn't like it, we have to sprinkle mineral (calcium) on his food. And it's okay to give him a little tomato or a grape or other fruit/veggies as long as it's a little amount not all the time. We'll see if my picky tortoise eats it!

The games went all right. The B squad team played four games since they had a 5th grade team and  a 6th grade team. We won one out of four games. It was hard to watch because the girls wouldn't go for it! They stood there and let the ball drop right in front of them. Or it'd hit their arms and fall off because they didn't try to hit it. Grr... frustrating. What can you do? The A squad did better. They played the A team and won all three games.

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