Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Alien Debate

Whew, we got into a heated discussion about aliens today... I knew it would be a big discussing day since I have super opinionated 5th and 6th graders, some I know have distinct opinions/viewpoints about the supernatural world already. They've asked about life on other planets before (and I have a distinct opinion about it), so I have already been looking for evidence to back my side up. Cue: the Bible and Pastor.

While his answer didn't give me the exact evidence I needed for my views, it did provide excellent food for thought and good discussion points with my kiddos.  My original question to him was, "Are there any verses in the Bible that prove that there is no such thing as aliens?" I'll give you the direct quote from his email (my students were also impressed that I used direct quotations in my powerpoint today, haha).

From Pastor B, "It is theoretically possible that God could have created other planets with life.  But I can't think of a passage [in the Bible] that would prove or disprove that.  So we have to stick with what we do know:  God created our world and populated it with people and sent his only Son to redeem it.  I guess if there were other planets with humans who never sinned, they would not need a Savior and would probably be much more advanced than we are.  But I don't believe anyone has any evidence to support that theory--it's just speculation. What we should never forget is that the spirit world is all around us--good and bad angels."

Our debate lasted a good 15-20 minutes and the two most in favor of aliens would've kept going forever except everyone else complained that we should just move on. So we did. We talked lenticular clouds and ball lightning, which are both impressive in and of themselves.

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