Friday, January 26, 2018

Early Birds

Well, the afternoon went fast at least! I ended up with one 7-8th grader this afternoon. He stayed until 1:00 and we watched a Wishbone episode (The Prince and the Pauper) that kind of fit in with the Middle Ages we've been studying. Not quite, but I don't know that there are any classic books written that take place in the Middle Ages. I thought about the Don Quixote episode, but switched it up at the last minute.

At one, my remaining five students came back and we watched a Wishbone episode, this time the Treasure Island one. We did art and then went outside to play in the snow for afternoon recess. Everyone made snowmen. The one I helped build turned out pretty tall! It's been a long time since I've made a snowman.  A pretty leisurely afternoon as far as afternoons go, but not too much different (aside from Wishbone) from a usual Friday.

My car is packed and I'm off to Fulda for today and tomorrow. One of my sisters is going wedding dress shopping! On Sunday my farmer and I are taking a jaunt to visit relatives of his... either his sister up near Wilmar or cousins over by Faribault. I told him he had to pick. This weekend sounds like good traveling weather. It will probably be warm enough tomorrow I could even wash my car!

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