Monday, February 5, 2018

Fired Up

Last night on my way home from Fulda, I had a strange encounter... it was already dark out, and as I turned out of the driveway heading down the gravel road, I saw tail lights far ahead of me on the road up ahead by the corner. They didn't seem to be moving, so I slowed down, hoping they wouldn't be blocking my way.

It turns out the car was on the other side of the road, not blocking my way at all. But it was on fire. The whole hood of the car was engulfed in flames. Both driver side doors hung open and no one was around. I called my dad, who said he'd come take a look, and by the time I drove through Fulda, the fire trucks were on their way out.

What's even more strange than a car abandoned on a gravel road out in the middle of nowhere is that this car appeared to be new! There were no license plates! Just something advertising the Vikings football team. My mind immediately raced away... why was it there? who were the people driving it? where did they go? are they okay?

I turned it into a writing prompt for my students today. Once they found out it was based on a true story, they were pumped. First I dramatically set the scene, having them close their eyes so they could picture it, using descriptive language we've learned how to use earlier this year. Their assignment was to continue the story. They could be me, coming upon a fiery vehicle in the snow; my dad, answering a phone call from his daughter and then going to check it out; a firefighter; the neighbors; the people in the car... possibilities are endless! We had time for a few of them to share today and the stories are great so far! We'll do more sharing tomorrow and I can't wait to hear what they come up with!

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