Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Lenten Supper

Well, I think we have everything ready for the Lenten supper. We went over to church after school today to get things set up. I realized that we used flour in all the egg bakes we made on Monday. Normally not a big deal, but we've been advertising them as gluten free. So Pastor gave us a dozen eggs and some corn starch so we could make an actually gluten free batch. I don't think there will be too many gluten free eaters, so one pan should be enough.

After sticking all the egg bakes in roaster pans, cutting up the fruit, setting out all the eating supplies, I came back to school to work on things. The kids stayed over at church with a parent. I gave them strict rules to only be in two rooms. They were bummed because they'd been planning to play hide and seek... instead they played house.

I'm feeling slightly more caught up on things in my classroom. Grades are all entered in the gradebook and I gave Mr. E midterms for his class. I just need math grades from him and I can send mine out.

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