Monday, November 26, 2018


It's been snowing on and off all day, just little bursts of snow, sometimes big flakes, sometimes small ones. Surprisingly, the kids haven't noticed a ton. Their energy level was basically normal which is kind of strange given that it's a Monday after a long break. I'll take it though!

We practiced Christmas songs this morning, the songs that we know we're keeping. Mrs. L and I met after school to listen to a perky, upbeat, kids Christmas cd for potential songs to switch out. We found two! I hadn't wanted to get rid of the first song (words sung to the tune of "Savior of the Nations Come"), but then we had the idea to have that be the processional song the congregation sings! Winner! Then we can still have a peppy intro song to get everybody sucked in. We did a little switching of the order of songs to break up the traditional songs a bit more. Now I think we're set! 

What's even better is that these new songs are on a cd, so it will be easy to get them to the bible school teachers for practicing. Whew!

There's one week of NaNo left. Most of the kids will be fine as far as meeting their goals goes. Three of them aren't very close... I'm actually worried that not everyone will make their goals... Time to contact parents and ask them to give more computer/writing time at home. That usually does the trick. Still, there's a little time yet. Four more days (not counting today).

My NaNo is going okay. I was super behind going into Thanksgiving break. I caught up a bit though, and am at 22,500 words. I should be at 26,000 today, so only 3,500 behind. Not bad considering I haven't written yet today. My plan for the night is to hunker down and write! I'd like to get caught up, but we'll see how good my brain juices are flowing.

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