Friday, November 30, 2018


Grr... the snow is messing with my plans...

Courtland is right on the edge of the storm, so it may be bad or it may not. But my plans tomorrow are south where it's supposed to be worse, so if it's good for me, it might be bad where I'm supposed to end up. I was going to get together with a friend in Truman and do crafty things in the afternoon, which is when the worst is supposed to happen. My farmer plows snow for the township, so even if I could travel, he's going to be busy clearing off roads. I kind of hope it's obviously too bad to go anywhere so I just have to stay home. Of course I have plenty of things to do at home... lots of books to read, bread and cookies to bake, Christmas decorations to put up, movies to watch, papers to correct... all the things I put off during NaNoWriMo.

The first basketball tournament of the year is supposed to be this weekend in Northrop, but the Sioux Falls team dropped out (we were supposed to play them tonight) and our team got an automatic win. My guess is the rest of the tournament will be cancelled tomorrow. My kids were really bumming about it when they heard today.

One of the 8th graders had a mysterious thing happen with his spelling paper. He left class today promising to hand it in at the end of the day. I remember him coming in while we were packing up to go home and he handed something in. I found his science paper, but no spelling paper. His parents came back to school to do some winter prep with the landscaping and he came too, so I had him look for his missing assignment. He couldn't find it! He looked everywhere and I did too. Nothing. So he made a copy and redid it. I'm guessing it will turn up somewhere on Monday. That's usually the way these things work.

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