Friday, February 11, 2022

Tournament Time!

Holy cow the distracting voice ran rampant through my students today... of course, it's an early out and it's tournament weekend, so no surprise.

My classroom got moved into tournament position pretty quickly, before we let out of school even. The kids had ideas of where to put things, and since our girls are using my classroom as a dressing room, we felt more comfortable leaving things out. 

The pep fest was over the top as usual. It's crazy how in-to it the parents get for a middle school basketball tournament. But the kids had fun. The teams broke through a poster to run into the gym, classrooms did cheers, and the basketball players played a relay race with a hula hoop. 

After school, I corrected papers while supervising the kids who's parents set up for the tournament. Normally there's not a specific place for them and they run rampant around the school. This time I volunteered to host them in my room so we'd have a place to direct all rampant children. It's a good thing we did that! It kept the chaos to a minimum. I was able to get all my plans ready for next week and most of my papers corrected. 

So far the girl's team is winning. The boys play after! 

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