Thursday, March 23, 2023

Egg Car Lab

Today was a pretty good day up until the end. 

We served 61 people last night and brought in over $400! That's a record for us! Lots of people came at the middle of the serving time, so I got pretty nervous at 5:50 when we were down to just one small corner of the roaster pan. Not too many came after that, so at 6:05 I let the kids eat. A lot of them took soup. Still, we had only about one pan of egg bake scraps left at the end. The rest of our groceries were pretty spot on too. Not too much milk leftover, just a few pieces of sweet bread, one 9x13 pan of fruit (oranges and a few grapes). My kids did a great job prepping, serving, and cleaning. Everyone pitched in and found things to do. They were all willing helpers!

My students ate off the leftover fruit from our Lenten meal for snack today and we had a nice morning working on our daily tasks. The boys are still on their podcast kick. Every day they make a new episode, most of the time featuring a taste test of sorts. Then they upload it and obsess over how many views and subscribers they have. Two and one. But that doesn't faze them!

Bell practice went fantastic. We ran through the three songs we have left and even without that much practice, they sound amazing. They are all victory lap songs with lots of running notes and cords and just a whole lot of joyful ringing. It's pretty great. We have one student out with a long-term illness and we're not sure when she'll be back, so I've found 'volunteers' to play her parts for these songs if she's not back to play them. No one has fussed too much about getting an extra part and they've picked up those notes pretty quickly.

My 5-6th graders ended the day with a physics/STEM challenge: build a car that can carry an egg down a ramp with a one meter high incline. If the egg breaks, you fail. They're all pretty excited about it. Making groups was the tough part. I had some eyes closed voting to see preferences and there was one student who didn't speak up when I misread her voting. The boys had some mixups in partners too, but they worked it out without any hard feelings (that I could detect). This girl though, she blew up at me and was quite rude while I tried to calmly talk through the situation with her. 

It's exhausting, dealing with situations like those, where you need to be the calm one and figure out what to say to help the student learn how to handle future situations better and at the same time fix the one you're currently in without breaking the relationship you do have all the while hoping that you're taking care of it in a way that doesn't involve the rest of the class who are no doubt listening in to see what you will do, even if you try to have the conversation in a private way. So. That's how my day ended. School day, anyway. 

After school G and I have a meeting with the Nicollet County foster care social worker to do a home inspection and talk about next steps in becoming foster respite care givers! The rest of the night is open after that. A minor miracle! I sent out our Marriagewarming party invitations yesterday/this morning, so I feel a huge weight off my chest. Maybe after correcting, I can actually read a book!

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