Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Lenten Meal

The 7-8th graders did a lab today. I'd say it was a fun lab, but I'm not sure how much fun they had. We made a model of a kidney filtering blood. Cups with beads and water poured into a bowl with a screen over the top. Then we used spoons to move beads back into the cups to show the blood components moving back into the blood stream. It was a lot of work to prep! But it got the point across.

My students were crabby today. I tried not to join them. 

Now they're bouncing off the walls in the classroom waiting for me to finish enough stuff for tomorrow so they can go in the gym for a while. We're serving the Lenten meal tonight and spent the first 45min after school prepping things at church. 

I left two boys over there to watch the last three egg bakes in the oven (with my cell number and a lot of instructions), and the rest of us have been at school. I had to abandon them for 10 minutes halfway through when the egg bake boys had a question if the pans were cooked. Yes, they were. 

Everything looks and smells delicious! Hopefully we have a good turnout!

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