Wednesday, March 29, 2023


It was chilly today, but we went outside for both recesses, no fussing! Most of them are hopped up on the excitement of softball. I ate my salad at the picnic table outside next to the giant snow hill while wearing my mittens. If I hadn't left my mittens on, my hands would've frozen. 😉

Second recess I pitched wearing mittens. Well, one hand wore a mitten (the tossing hand). The other hand had a glove within a glove. I stayed decently warm that way. My pitches could've been better, but such is life. My kids were okay with me trying to stay warm. They knew I was their best option for consistent pitches, regardless of the mittens effecting pitching quality! 

The rest of the day was pretty good. No major meltdowns, no major fights. The boy who had been so rude yesterday apologized and had a quiet day. Most of the late homework kids got their names off the board... all but two. 

I sorted through a few shelves of my teacher bookshelf and have a big stack of things to go home (things I won't use anymore this year). After school I've gotten a bunch of computer things finished. Still a big pile of papers to correct... can't seem to get away from those. I get caught up and then there's a new batch of spelling to correct!

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