Friday, January 15, 2016

Dramatic Mimes

The 7th graders like to blurt out things.  Like, all the time. 

When they were in my class, we read a book called No Talking by Andrew Clements where the boys and girls have a competition to see who can say the fewest words at school.  The rules are: when a teacher calls on you, you can say three words, noises don't count.  Of course they wanted to play the game for themselves, so we did.  And we kept the competition going throughout the year. 

They came up with the idea to play again now that they're still blurting out comments (and it's taking away their study time... yes, it was their idea).  So far, the boys are losing 12 to six. 

Today's spelling test bonus word was one you can kind of sound out, but there's a tricky little vowel in there that makes a different sound.  I always pause for effect before giving them the correct spelling... I could see them following along on their paper, subconsciously bouncing up and down as I said each letter... and then came the twist... Immediately they were throwing their hands in the air (silently), mouthing words of agony and annoyance, rolling on the floor with frustration.  Ugh! They were so close!  And all this is done in complete silence.  It was hilarious.  Man they are so dramatic!

My class got out at 1:30 today so the girls could make it to their basketball game in Truman.  The boys too.  Some parents didn't get the memo until last night or this morning.  I'm surprised; you'd think they'd all rush home to tell mom and dad they get to leave school early for a day.  And I thought Mr. E would cover it in basketball practice.  But I guess that wasn't the case.  Anyway, all my kids went home, so I'm actually going to leave school before 3:00!  Woohoo! Early weekend!

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